The Best Courses for Intermediate Level Bloggers

If you are an Intermediate level blogger you are between the stages of starting a blog and bringing in possible 6 figures with your blog.  You already have a successful blog, but you just need to develop SEO, traffic, products and more.  Here are 4 great courses that are geared especially to intermediate level bloggers.



What is an Intermediate Blogger?

You may be wondering exactly what the definition of an intermediate blogger is, and whether that describes you? An intermediate blogger is obviously not just starting a blog, or bringing in 6-figures from their blog. They are somewhere in between that.

An intermediate blogger already has a successful blog.  Successful in that the blog has readers, traffic, subscribers, and is bringing in some money every month.

Intermediate bloggers know the basics of blogging, and what blogging is all about.  But they are more than likely at a point with their blogging where they are at a stalemate in terms of blog growth. Most bloggers who describe themselves as being in the intermediate category want to grow more, and want to bring in more money. 

Therefore this group of bloggers fitting into that category need courses and education to help them grow to that next level. Specifically they need courses in diversifying, content creation, product and services creation, and more.

Best Intermediate level courses for bloggers


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The Best Courses for Intermediate Bloggers

Six-Figure Blogger

Six Figure Blogger is an online course that describes itself as giving you “the formula for earning six figures from your blog with digital products and services – without being scammy or needing to be an expert.”  

This course is specifically for the non-beginner blogger. That is the blogger who already has a blog, and traffic, and some income. But they are ready to move onto the next level of creating products and services, and making more from affiliate marketing (through their own and others products).

Six-Figure Blogger covers the blogging mindset that you need to move on with your blogging journey.  It lets you in on the secret of the specific framework needed for a 6-figure blog.  It covers affiliate marketing, creating products and services, creating an e-book from scratch, creating an e-course from scratch, how to sell with high-converting sales pages, how to get visitors to your sales page, email marketing mastery, and so much more.

If you are interested in exploring more about Six-Figure Blogger click here.  I wrote a detailed honest review of the Six-Figure Blogger course that you can also view here.

Printables By Number

Printables By Number is a course run and created by the very successful Start a Mom Blog.  Don’t be put off by the name of Start a Mom Blog if you are running a blog and you are not a mom! While the courses are aimed primarily at moms starting blogs, the courses they produce cover all aspects of blogging, and apply to everyone no matter what niche, or who is running the blog.

Start a Mom Blog courses are reasonably priced and very easy to follow along with and implement.  By that I don’t mean that they are dumbed down – far from it – it is just that the teaching style of Suzi & John Whitford who run Start a Mom Blog is relaxed and easy to understand.  That means that you can start implementing what you learn quickly and concisely.

As an intermediate blogger you are probably at the point with your blog where you are trying to bring in more than one income source and diversify your income.  Creating Printables and products is a fantastic income source for any blog.  

The course will show you how to create Printables using 3 different programs. Those 3 programs are PowerPoint, Canva and Google Slides.  There are videos that show you step by step how to create and edit templates and files in those programs, so you can just follow along – like looking over somebody’s shoulder as they do it.  

The course also gives you editable templates, so you can get started on creating and editing your own Printables in a matter of just minutes.

A powerful part of the course is on how to present and sell those Printables that you create. You will learn how to create mock-ups, 3D flatlay images and more.  The course also goes over how to sell your Printables, including through Thrivecart and Teachable.

You can see more about Printables By Number right here. I also wrote a detailed review of the course right here.


The Ultimate SEO Bundle

Debbie Gartner, AKA the Flooring Girl, produces a lot of fantastic resources for learning and mastering SEO. All of her SEO resources work together and integrate with each other. Therefore her bundle that she sells, The Ultimate SEO Bundle, is a collection of her amazing e-books and Easy SEO Revamp course on this majorly important topic.

The course, Easy SEO Revamp, teaches you how to leverage the power of Google Search Console to improve your rankings (you can read my honest review of this course right here).  The two e-books, Easy Backlinks for SEO, and Easy on Page SEO, show you all the ways and places to build backlinks without having to do blogger outreach, and how to write blog posts that will rank well.

You can find out more about the Ultimate SEO Bundle here.  

I wrote a review of The best SEO Courses for Bloggers here, which includes The Flooring Girl SEO resources.


Stupid Simple SEO

Stupid Simple SEO is a mammoth course on SEO (search engine optimization) from Mike Pearson. This course is huge, and a huge undertaking.

But if you are really serious about finally understanding what SEO is and learning the ways to do it properly, this course is a must. I wrote a full detailed review of this course that you can read right here.

I don’t recommend this course for beginners, and anyone who really doesn’t intend to put in the work on the resources it covers.  This is a huge course, I guess you could describe it as the MBA of SEO!  It is a great course to learn absolutely everything about SEO, with lots of tutorials to guide you through doing your own research and analysis.  But it won’t be for you if you are really not that serious about learning everything there is to know about SEO.


These four courses are all courses I have personally taken, and would recommend whole-heartedly to intermediate level bloggers.  I only recommend what is worth recommending.  As a blogger you don’t want to be wasting your hard earned money on worthless courses (believe me, I followed recommendations that led to truly terrible courses). Read up on these courses, and take a look at reviews before you purchase.


If you are an Intermediate level blogger you are between the stages of starting a blog and bringing in possible 6 figures with your blog.  You already have a successful blog, but you just need to develop SEO, traffic, products and more.  Here are 4 great courses that are geared especially to intermediate level bloggers.


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