Celebrate with this pretty DIY confetti platter!
This pretty confetti platter looks lovely displayed just about anywhere. It can be used to store jewelry, to serve food or to hold and display just about anything.
It is very easy and inexpensive to make. Make it for your home, office, or as a gift for a special someone. It is a great relaxing and fun DIY project for you to try!
You can never have enough platters, plates and bowls around your home, to display things and keep them to hand. This confetti platter is unique and different, and will definately be noticed.
I used a plain white platter in this project, but you could use just about any color that you choose (white really shows off the confetti well).
You can also use any kind of craft glue for this project (I am using just a white craft glue, that dries clear). The entire project makes up in just a few hours (allow time for drying also).
First of all, assemble all your supplies. You will need:
White or cream platter or plate (or colour of your choice)
Mod Podge
Foam applicator brushes
Craft glue
Wash and dry the platter first. Apply the glue in a thin layer, moving the glue all over the platter with the foam applicator brush.
Try to make the glue layer as level as possible, and don’t overdo the glue. Smooth out any bubbles and fill in any bare spaces.
Add the confetti piece by piece, making sure that each piece is fixed firmly to the glue. Smooth out any kinks that may appear in the pieces as you place them on the platter.
Continue placing the confetti piece by piece until you are happy with the design. I took mine up the sides as my platter had low sides to it, but you might have a completely flat platter or perhaps only want to use one color of the confetti.
Leave the platter to dry completely once all the confetti is placed.
Once the glue is dry on the first confetti layer, add a thin layer of Mod Podge with the foam applicator brush. Make sure the Mod Podge is smoothed all around and over on top of the confetti.
This part of the project is essential – try to make the Mod Podge as smooth and well distributed as possible. It will seal in the design.
Allow the platter to dry completely before using.
Enjoy your finished platter!